Tuesday 20 February 2024

Friday 9 February 2024

Submit your abstract for Infection 2024 Event

Infectious Diseases:

To get more information in the field of Infectious Diseases, please join us @6th Edition of World Congress on Infectious Diseases which will be held during June 24-26, 2024 at Paris, France and virtually.

To submit your abstract on the session: Infectious Diseases: visit: https://infectiouscongress.com/submit-abstract

Speaker: Xiaoyun_Zhao: Infection 2024 | Hybrid Event

We are thrilled to announce our speaker for 6th Edition of World Congress on Infectious Diseases.

Join us on June 24-26, 2024 as #Xiaoyun_Zhao from Tianjin University Chest Hospital, China, a renowned speaker, takes the in-person stage to share his knowledge and inspire us all.

For more details: https://infectiouscongress.com/

#InfectiousDiseasesConferences2024 #InfectiousDiseasesCongress2024 #InfectiousDiseasesMeetings #InfectiousDiseasesEvents2024 #EmergingInfectiousDiseasesConferencesEurope #InfectiousDiseasesSummit2024 #InternationalWebinaronInfectiousDiseases2024 #InfectiousDiseasesPreventionandControlWorkshop2024 #DynamicsofInfectiousDiseasesOnlineEvent #DevastatingInfectiousDiseasesSymposium #CommonInfectiousDiseasesSeminar #CommunicableDiseasesExpo #TransplantInfectiousDiseasesSummit #HealthProtectionInfectiousDiseasesEvent2024 #CommunicableVsInfectiousDiseasesCongress2024 #HumanImmuneSystemandInfectiousDiseasesWorkshop #ImmunizationandInfectiousDiseasesMeeting #ConvergenceofInfectiousDiseasesCongress #GlobalInfectiousDiseasesSummit #Non-infectiousVSInfectiousDiseasesConference2024

Final Program is Live Now!! | Infection 2024

Final Program is Now Live!!! Different sessions and tracks in one @ 6th Edition of World Congress on Infectious Diseases Join us at #Hybrid_...